Treehouse Tales
Combining Creativity with Basic Skills


Treehouse Tales, developed in a Year 2 classroom by experienced teacher Delyth Owen over six years of Action Research, provides solutions to persistent literacy problems. Using a unique creative pedagogy, which permeates all areas of the curriculum, children become confident learners.
Heading 6
'The results achieved by the children taught by Delyth are truly amazing. Not only are standards of writing improved, but the children are much more aware of grammatical structure and spelling – all this in a fun and creative format!'
Nanette Paine, former Headteacher and Educational Consultant
The Treehouse Tales pedagogy and the evidence-based literacy resources:
foster intrinsic motivation;
simplify the process of teaching and learning;
close the persistent gap between writing and reading;
provide a balance between reading skills and reading for enjoyment;
raise girls' and boys' writing and reading standards;
challenge the able and talented;
accelerate the learning of children with Additional Learning Needs;
benefit children learning English as an Additional Language;
ensure understanding, retention and application of basic skills – three of the most important educational aims.
The implementation of Treehouse Tales ensures the essential balance between writing and reading skills and writing and reading for pleasure.
'Treehouse Tales develops the children’s imagination and tunes into their minds.'
Dorothy Selleck OBE, former HMI and Life-long President of OMEP (The World Organisation for Early Years Education)
Treehouse Tales is time-efficient for teachers and its implementation in the classroom has been recognised by both ESTYN (the Welsh Inspectorate) and OFSTED to raise independent writing standards within a short period of time, therefore mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on the children's literacy skills.
Treehouse Tales is a not-for-profit social enterprise created to enable all children to be truly literate.
Year 1 Children
'Remaining on Task'

Comments From Schools
Implementing Treehouse Tales
'You will never know the difference this has made to our school.'
'The children love it – absolutely love it.'
'The enjoyment that the children have experienced has impacted on their achievements.'
'You have removed the obstacles and provided a ladder.'
'It's like someone has waved a magic wand over the children.'
'It makes us think differently.'
'There has been a huge change in his attitude to learning. He has a thirst for knowledge reflected in his confidence. He has become highly motivated and enthusiastic in everything that he does. We find his comprehension of the English language alone astounding.'
'We are so pleased with his progress and attitude to work. His enthusiasm never ceases to amaze.'

Fostering the children's interest in the environment and in protecting all creatures (drawing by a boy of Average Ability)
Treehouse Tales develops children's imagination and independent thinking skills (drawing by an Able boy)
Treehouse Tales gives opportunities to develop the children's interests (drawing by a girl with Additional Learning Needs)
Aled Apple: Treehouse Tales' main character – kind considerate and helpful (drawing by a girl with Additional Learning Needs)