The Learning Journey
Simplifying the Process of Teaching and Learning
These beautifully illustrated 'Teddy in Tinytown' stories, written for the Nursery class, provide limitless opportunities for child-initiated play. Learning happily within their own world of make-believe provides rich opportunities to develop the children's:
speaking and listening skills;
drawing skills;
independent thinking skills;
memory skills;
'looking' skills and the ability to compare.
The Nursery Resources – 'Colours and Pictures'
The Reception Resources – 'Sounds to Sentences'
Facilitating the learning within the children's world
of make-believe, the 'Teddy in Tinytown' stories continue in the Reception class in order to:
motivate and enthuse the children;
reinforce previous learning;
extend previous learning;
simplify the process of teaching and learning
for the benefit of all children;
challenge higher ability children.
Year 1 Resources – 'Sentences to Stories'
New characters and stories – Aled Apple and Friends – are introduced in Year 1 in order to:
continue to facilitate the learning within the
children's world of make-believe,
motivate boys as well as girls;
simplify the process of teaching and learning through the use of the unique Treehouse Tales techniques;
facilitate child-initiated activities across
the curriculum.
Year 2 Resources – 'Little Authors'
The 'Aled Apple and Friends' resources introduced
in Year 1 are continued in Year 2 for the benefit of
all children.
The seasonal stories introduced over the year:
extend the children's vocabulary;
provide opportunities for child-initiated activities;
challenge high-ability children.