Action Research – Year 2
Many children entering Year 2 displayed behaviour problems as well as literacy difficulties. Therefore, Delyth Owen focused on developing the children's intrinsic motivation and learning through stories. The stories were written and developed according to the children's responses.
Within a changing society, the gap between the attainment of children from supportive homes and those from deprived backgrounds widened. Positive outcomes for the latter now depended entirely on the effectiveness of school strategies. It was crucial, therefore, that the methodology implemented was the most effective possible. Delyth focused on HOW children learn.
All the examples of the written work included are completely independent of any adult help or spelling displays within the classroom. All the independent written work is achieved during a first draft. The children are motivated to give of their best – producing their best handwriting, applying correct punctuation and spelling as they apply an extended vocabulary within extended pieces of creative writing.
Example 1
Motivation and Progress
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Example 3
Applying the Skills
– Creative Writing
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Example 5
What Happens Next?
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Example 7
Factual Writing – Transferring
the Skills Across the Curriculum
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Example 9
Additional Learning Needs
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Example 11
Reading Comprehension
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Seasonal Stories – Autumn
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Seasonal Stories – Spring
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Seasonal Stories – Summer
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Motivation and Progress Through Stories
To develop independent writing simultaneously with reading;
To motivate boys as well as girls;
To accelerate the progress of children with additional learning needs;
To challenge the able and talented.
Spelling outcomes before the implementation of the Action Research:
Above Average...18%
Below Average...32%
Spelling outcomes during three years of Action Research (Year 2):
Year A
Above Average...73%
Below Average....7%
Year B
Above Average...75%
Below Average....0%
Year C
Above Average...73%
Below Average....0%
A former H.M.I. recalling observation of the pedagogy being implemented:
'I well remember the enthusiastic response and achievement of your most able pupils who extended their learning at their own swift pace far beyond what one would expect in an infant classroom. I also remember the motivating impact of the stories in the absorbed commitment of the less able learners – it's just that they could not be called less able following this approach. Their achievement not only matched the average expected at the age of seven, but the children were equipped to learn independently and avidly in their next stage of education.'
Example 2
Applying the Skills
– Creative Writing
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Example 4
Applying the Skills
– Creative Writing
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Example 6
Letter Writing Within the Child's World of Make-Believe
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Progress in English
Final Assessment Tests
83% of pupils achieved above average scores (59% above high average).
92% of boys achieved above average scores (75% above high average).
78% of girls achieved above average scores (47% above high average).
There were no low scores
A previously disruptive boy, diagnosed with ADHD, achieved a progress score of +43 (average progress score +11).
Example 8
In My Imagination
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Methodology Comparison
Progress in English Tests
The tables below show the progress that the same children attained from the end of Year 1 to the end of Year 2. Through implementing the Treehouse Tales creative pedagogy in Year 2, the results show marked improvement. The percentage of children who were below average in Year 1 attained average results in Year 2. The children who were average in Year 1 attained above average results in Year 2. The children who attained high average results in Year 1 attained a high score or very high score in Year 2.
Example 10
Outdoor Learning
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Based on the results of 29 Year 1 pupils
Based on the results of 28 of the same pupils in Year 2
OFSTED Inspection of an Infant School using Treehouse Tales:
'Children are given a good strong start to their education in the Foundation Stage and make outstanding progress in their basic reading and writing skills… writing shows significant improvement. The children make good progress in the foundation stage and outstanding progress in reading and writing because skills are regularly practised and taught in a systematic way. Standards are higher than expected by the beginning of Year 1. Good progress continues in Year 1 and Year 2 because learning is challenging, exciting and well planned. Pupils develop good creative ideas especially in writing. Pupils’ speaking and listening skills are developed extremely well, thus allowing them to explain complex ideas with clarity.'
Example 12
Applying Literacy
& Computer Skills
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Seasonal Stories – Winter
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Seasonal Stories – Spring
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The School Year
Treehouse Tales Seasonal Stories
The seasonal story illustrations shown on this page are six examples from eighty vibrant watercolour illustrations beautifully painted by a professional children's illustrator. Throughout the year, the purpose is to continue to motivate and engage the children, consistently extend the children's vocabulary, and provide limitless opportunities for child-initiated activities.
Seasonal Stories – Summer
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